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Production Line KPI Monitoring System

The proposal is to implement a networked HEPM production line management and monitoring solution for Hitachi. This document provides technical clarification details based on the requirement specification provided by the customer. The following are among the key features of the proposed system.


To develop and implement data collection and record storage with reference to process in auto or manual set mode.

factory (1)

To provide software security architecture that is designed based on user role and access rights.

factory (1)

To calculate and convert raw data to real-time statistic and format records..


To provide a compressive statistic and reporting solution.



To provide a hardware solution that is scalable in processor, memory and storage. The storage hardware will be assembled based on RAID architecture to ensure data integrity is maintained.


To develop and implement an automated and centralized management of Client PC program update and model change.


The proposed solution will ensure network traffic is efficiently managed and TCP/IP traffic is optimized of offer a fast, efficient and transparent management of the network without hiccups.

software interface

Our clients

Hitach Electronic Products Malaysia

Infineon Semiconductors

Track record of deploying the product since 2005. The following are some of the customer using the product